MKA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

MKA 36th Year Notification of Annual General Meeting

As per our Noticeboard at the MKA Centre The MKA Trustees & Committee Members hereby give 30 days notice (as of 31/05/2012), for the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Date: Sunday 1st July 2012
Time: 2.30pm

Venue: Muslim Khatri Association Centre,
1 Connaught Street.

If you would like to nominate yourself or anyone else or need MKA Account details please contact us on email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Executive Committee of the Muslim Khatri Association cordially invite all members of your family to attend the Annual General Meeting.


  1. Dua
  2. Minutes from previous AGM
  3. Matters arising
  4. Chairs & Centre Report 2011 / 2012
  5. Treasurers Report and presentation of Annual Accounts
  6. Election of Committee members
  7. Dua
  8. Refreshments

(Message posted 31/05/2012)