7 October 2013


MKA 37th Year Notification of Annual General Meeting


Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was held on Sunday 29th September 2013 was deferred due to an insufficient

quorum being present in accordance with the requirements of our constitution.

Please take notice that our re-scheduled Inaugural AGM for Muslim Khatri Association Ltd

and 37th Annual AGM for Muslim Khatri Association will be held on:


Date: Sunday 27th October 2013

Time: 2.30pm

Venue: Muslim Khatri Association Centre

1 Connaught Street




All members are requested to attend this IMPORTANT meeting as we are proposing the Inauguration

of Muslim Khatri Association company limited by guarantee.

In accordance with our charity policy and regulations the re-scheduled AGM will proceed if a quorum

of 10 persons is achieved.


Razak Ghumran

MKA Chairman