MKA Competition
MKA Competition
Entries can be sent in via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or our online form or via text message to 07801 027636. Messages are charged at your standard network rate. Make sure you include your name and address, email address and contact number.
Question 1
Who is the famous khatri?
A - Ismail Soneji
B - Amitabh Bhachan
C - Shah Rukh Khan
Question 2
What year was the MKA Community Centre purchased?
A - 1900
B - 1982
C - 2013
Question 3
Who opened the first Halal takeaway in Leicester?
A - The Queen
B - Mc Donalds
C - Kulsum Jagot
Question 4
Who is the famous khatri?
A- Osman Asra
B - Nick Clegg
C - Barack Obama
Question 5
When was Bond Adams Solicitors formed?
A - 1066
B - 2007
C - 3012
Question 6
Who is the famous khatri?
A - Ashwariya Rai
B - Madhuri Dixit
C - Aisha Cassam
Competition closes at 5pm on Friday 27th September 2013
sponsored by Bond Adams Solicitors
Mka Childrens Competition
Question 1 :
check out our terms and conditions for a 3 digit number click here
Question 2:
what is 87 + 56?
question 3:
how many days are there in a leap year?
question 4:
what are the last 2 digits of the MKA phone number? Click here
question 5:
how long has the MKA been around? Click here
now add up your answers and you will get the answer to the following question
how many khatris are listed in the August 2013 edition of the Khatri List?