About Us

Muslim Khatri Association (MKA) Community Centre is a Registered Charity
and provides a range of Community activities and facilities for local
people in Leicester City. The Association was established in 1977 and has
now been operating for nealy 30 years.




Hello my name is Altaf
I am the Chair for the Muslim Khatri Association

My lead Portfolio within the organisation sub groups are:
» Finance and fundraising
» Personnell and Management
» Marketing

If you have any views and concerns on any aspect of the Association work then I can be contacted on the following email: Altaf@mka.org.uk


Hello my name is Hussein
I am the Treasurer for the Muslim Khatri Association

My lead Portfolio within the organisation sub groups are:
» Finance and fundraising
» Funeral
» Event Management

If you have any views and concerns on any aspect of the Association work then I can be contacted on the following email: Hussein@mka.org.uk

Vice Treasurer

Hello my name is Zohra
I am the Vice Treasurer for the
Muslim Khatri Association

My lead Portfolio within the organisation sub groups are:
» Finance and fundraising
» Women and Girls Activities
» Marketing

If you have any views and concerns on any aspect of the Association work then I can be contacted on the following email: Zohra@mka.org.uk


Hello my name is Abdul Kadir
I am the Secretary for the
Muslim Khatri Association

My lead Portfolio within the organisation sub groups are:
» Event Management
» Funeral
» Supplementary Schooling

If you have any views and concerns on any aspect of the Association work then I can be contacted on the following email: Abdul@mka.org.uk

Vice Secretary

Hello my name is Zohra
I am the Vice Secretary for the
Muslim Khatri Association

My lead Portfolio within the organisation sub groups are:
» Finance and fundraising
» Women and Girls Activities
» Marketing

If you have any views and concerns on any aspect of the Association work then I can be contacted on the following email: zohra@mka.org.uk

Spoke Person
Community spoke person for women and girls activities

Hello my name is Nafisa
I am the chair of the women and girls activities sub group for the Muslim Khatri Association

My lead Portfolio within the organisation sub groups are:
» Women and Girls
» Finance and Fundraising

If you have any views and concerns on any aspect of the Association work then I can be contacted on the following email: Nafisa@mka.org.uk






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